Archive for February, 2010

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Picking Teams

Here’s a song about that old childhood form of human sacrifice – the picking of teams. I consider this a song to sing to yourself while waiting in the line-up. It’s part resume and part kiss-off (with plenty of love for yourself and your fellow wall-hugger to spare).

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Into Hiding

Today’s song is one I played with The Verna Cannon. It’s about how fragile people can be when it comes to believing that they can sing. I was convinced that I could not sing after my teacher didn’t choose me to sing a solo line. It took years to build up the notion that I had the “right” to call myself a singer. And all around me I hear people dismissing their own abilities, declaring themselves unfit to sing. How does this happen? I, for one, want to hear you sing.

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Lunch Money

I have a band for kids called Lunch Money. But this is a song called “Lunch Money,” and while I’m sure many kids would relate to it, it might be just a tad too dark for a Lunch Money record. Dedicated to anyone who’s ever stared indignantly at the hair of the person who just cut in front of them in line. Triple H.G. Wells reference to boot!

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Never Before or Again

Yes, I do rhyme “cat” and “mat” in this song. That’s kind of a joke, since I don’t insist on rhyming a bunch in general. I hope this song comes across – it kind of needs the band. It’s all about being married to someone you really like.

Friday, February 19th, 2010

You and Me and a Bottle of Bubbles

OK, here’s a song for today. A quiet one about blowing bubbles out of your window with a friend. Treading happy/sad ground. This song will be on a children’s record (with my band Lunch Money). Don’t worry, there will be fast songs too.